Land Acknowledgement

I am a settler living in Sumas First Nations territory.

The truth is this land is not our land. Settler Canadians in so-called “British Columbia” have invaded the unceded territories of the First Nations and have assumed ownership of the land. Crown land is stolen land.

The Province of British Columbia represents the thieves and criminals who stole the land to kill and assimilate the original inhabitants and exploit their resources. We cannot depend on corporations and governments to do the right thing. They were designed to enact a genocide.

And according to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), they are killing all of us.

IPCC report’s verdict on climate crimes of humanity: guilty as hell
Analysis: report exposes the failure to act on the climate crisis – political leaders are now in the dock

Should we not then agree the Dominion of Canada, founded upon the Doctrine of Discovery, is a crime scene, implicating the Provinces and Territories, the Dominion of Canada, the British Crown and its corporations in crimes against humanity and ecological devastation for profit?

Canadian settlers are complicit in the ongoing crimes against humanity. We must surrender to the governing authorities, the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis, and submit to their ways and laws to live in reciprocity with Mother Earth and all living beings.

As Canadian Settlers for Indigenous Sovereignty (CSIS), representatives of The Corporation for Apartheid Nationalism and Aboriginal Dispossession and Assimilation (CANADA), we admit to our crimes, surrender, and give the land back.

The Fall of The Corporation for Apartheid Nationalism and
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada, calls an election on Sunday, August 15, 2021. What happens next is not exactly what he is expecting. The day before, Stephen wakes up to…
The Absolute Discussed
Racism and white supremacy are the foundation of the laws of the Dominion of Canada. To fail to recognize and acknowledge this fact is to be ignorant, to be a coward, to be complicit, or to be criminal. I see no other options.